An Edge Over Your Competitors – Relationship

busirelationshipCustomers are indeed kings. Almost every industry today involves multiple competitors, and your business is probably not the exception. Every competitor has some point of differentiation or, stated another way, a reason for existing. It’s important to know their product line as well as you knows yours so that you can effectively sell the benefits that your business provides.

Personal relationships are critical in business. They always have been’ and they always will be. No matter what business or industry you compete in’ you must make it your first job; to forge strong business relationships. Business relationships develop over time; with very consistent and trustworthy servicing. Business relationships start with your first meeting, arguably your most important meeting. In the first meeting, set the tone for the relationship and lay a foundation of expectations. The relationship then begins to develop on the basis of your deliver on the results the customer is expecting.

Each month of flawless delivery puts a penny in the bank. Each mistake takes 15 to 25 cents out; depending on its severity. Get the ratio? You get a little credit for doing something well, yet crucified heavily for every mistakes! Mistakes makes a big different.

No matter what your line of business, it is important you take the job of building relationships with your customers very seriously. Gone are the days of having to worry about only one or two people inside a company. Decisions today get made by a large degree of consensus and often by committee.

Having a strong relationship with one person may not be enough for you to hold on to an account; if something goes wrong, you definitely want to have lots friends. Relationship – building is not easy. It takes multiple exposures. Relationships at the top of your customers need are also crucial.

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