Hard Work Alone Will Never Make You Wealthy

hard-workRecently, I was reading a book on financial empowerment; given to me by Deacon Lanre Oyetade, titled “Can Ever Nigeria Be A Millionaire?” The book was written by a Nigerian, and I must confess – it was well written.

Aside from the topic at hand – financial empowerment; the book was written in simple and error free English. It’s a book you should consider reading.

Back to business! I have not said hard working is a waste of time neither have suggest ignoring the place of hard work. It is good to be hard working. In fact, nothing can take the place of hard work. But there is something much more better than hard work which is working smart!

What is actually hard work? Hard work is simply using all your strengths, mind and time to get things done. It is also an act of not leaving anything undone. People who get things done on time no matter what are usually refers to as hard working. But often times this people have very little to show for it.

We have heard of top directors and top managers of multinational companies who died few years after retirement; because they could not sustain the kind of life they were used to while in service. Does that mean something to you? If yes!

Let me quickly define working smart. Working smart is simply doing the right thing at the right time and for future gain. Smart work or working smart is future oriented. People who work smart; work to secure their future. They are futuristic! They pay more attention and concern to future gain to present gain.

One of the characteristics of the rich is that they work smart rather than working hard. However, working smart does not mean laziness or shifting responsibilities. It simply means, doing things for the sake of the future in mind rather than present benefits.

Are you and entrepreneur or an employee? Irrespective of who you are and what you do. You must start taking action for future benefits rather than present gain.

I hope this help some one today.

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