How To Get Rid Of Rat, Ants, Cockroach, Centipede, Wallgekgo, And White Ants (Termites)

This is going to be a quick one, and I bet you will love this production on How To Get Rid Of Rat, Ants, Cockroach, Centipede, Wallgekgo, And White Ants (Termites).

However, there are still lots of these to be shared; so, I encourage you to practice this and come back to this post to give your review. That said; you will agree with me that rat is one common rodent that is common in Nigeria; unfortunately, this has found to transmit lots of diseases; which is another reason you should not joke with rat around your house. And the good thing about this is that your house will be free of these harmful creatures in a few hours; as this will kill and expel them from your home permanently.

To produce this product to get rid of Rat, Ants, Cockroach, Centipede, Wallgekgo, And White Ants (Termites) in your house; you only need three things. Fortunately, the ingredients are available in almost all houses in Nigeria. The three ingredients needed are Kerosene, Table salt, and Powder Detergents.

Although, I will be sharing with you three variations of this particular product.

Variation 1: Rat Killer Combination (Table salt + Powder Detergent + Any Fry Foods)

Production Measurement Mixing: Ratio 2 teaspoons of table salt: 1 teaspoon of powder Detergent; by this, I mean if you use 2 teaspoons of Table salt, you will add 1 teaspoon of powder Detergent.

Production process

  1. Get a small bowl depending on the quantity you want to make
  2. Put 2 teaspoons of table salt into the bowl
  3. Put 1 teaspoon full of powder Detergent in the same bowl and miss very well

How To Use

Just put in your cupboard or anywhere you detect rats.

Variation 2: Ants Killer (Table salt + Powder Detergent + Water)

Production Measurement Mixing: Ratio 3 teaspoons of table salt : 2 teaspoons of powder Detergent: 30 cl of water; by this, I mean if you use 3 tea spoons of Table salt, you will add 2 teaspoons of powder Detergent.

Production Process

  1. Get a small 75cl bottle depending on the quantity you want to make
  2. Fill it halfway with water
  3. Add 3 teaspoons of table salt
  4. Add 2 teaspoons full of powder Detergent in the same bowl and miss very well

How To Use

Just spray it around your house or anywhere you see ants.

Variation 3: White Ants Killer (Ikan an) – (Table salt + Powder Detergents + Kerosene)

White ants are very stubborn; hence the use of Kerosene to make this highly concentrated as the

Production Measurement Mixing: Ratio 3 teaspoons of table salt: 2 teaspoons of powder detergent: 30 cl of water; by this, I mean if you use 3 teaspoons of table salt, you will add 2 teaspoons of powder detergent.

Production Process

  1. Get a small empty 75cl bottle depending on the quantity you want to make
  2. Fill it halfway with kerosene
  3. Add 3 teaspoons of table salt
  4. Add 2 teaspoon full of powder Detergent in the same bowl and miss very well

How To Use

Just spray it around your house or anywhere you see white ants. The same thing works for cockroach, Centipede, and Wallgekgo.

Let me quickly tell you this; to get the best of the 2nd and 3rd variation of this production, you must use it up the same day you produced it. By that I mean, you should only make the quantity you can use up a day; because if you keep the leftover, it will be less effective by the next day.

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