How To Deal with Writer’s Block

Writer’s blocks are thoughts that prevent you from writing. Yes, there are definitely times when the words and ideas are flowing better than others. But writer’s block is as much about confidence and dedication as anything else. That being said, all writers deal with blocks sometimes. So let’s look at some proven methods for conquering writer’s block.

  • Don’t compare—Don’t dwell on how your writing compares to someone else’s. Don’t worry that it’s taking you too long to write. That leads only to frustration that will keep you from building your dream of becoming an author. Focus only on your skills and how you can help others with the advice you have to offer.
  • Stick to your schedule—Unless it’s a real emergency, stick to your writing schedule no matter what. There will be times when you don’t feel like it. Write anyway. This is an investment in yourself!
  • Practice self-care—You may wonder what this has to do with writing a book. You are probably already working a full-time job or running a business. Adding writing a book to your responsibility takes time and effort. You need to ensure you are getting the rest and downtime necessary to stay healthy too.
  • Outline—If you have even a basic outline, you’ll know where you are heading, so there’s less chance of getting stuck. Writer’s block often comes in the form of not knowing where to go next. Your outline should be flexible, but having one can keep you in the flow of writing so you don’t need to stop and make tough choices while writing the book.
  • Trade tasks—if the words are just nowhere to be found, switch tasks. Do another task on your list for a while and move your writing time to the time designated for that task. It’s just a tradeoff, not a sellout. You’ll still write, but changing tasks can get you in the flow so the words flow more smoothly when you do go back to writing.
  • Know yourself—if you are a morning person, don’t put off writing until the late afternoon or evening. Morning people who plan to write after the kids are in bed are going to be frustrated and tired—not a good combination for writing a great book. Set aside your writing time for when you are at your best. Night owls may enjoy writing until the wee hours. There’s no right or wrong.
  • Chose a writing atmosphere—If you work all day at a desk, you may find that you can’t get into a writing groove mindset at a desk. Since writing a book is a creative endeavor, even if you are writing a non-fiction book, consider the environment that will motivate your creative thinking.
  • Write on paper – This is a very powerful trick to help you overcome procrastination and laziness in writing, as an author. Research has proven that writing on paper helps you to connect with your writing that using the computer. Personally, I have seen this worked for me on several occasions.

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