Over 375 Genuine Foreign Buyers Contacts in USA, CANADA, UK, AUSTRALIA and AFRICA (UPDATED)

contacts of foreign buyers

Finally, you can now lay your hand on the Over 375 Genuine Foreign Buyers Contacts in USA, CANADA, UK, AUSTRALIA and AFRICA. For those who want to start right and safe with some of their investments. I have decided to give out my list to help you get started. Just like I told you in one of my last posts. What is the need for a business without customers? and how can you stay in business without customers? that is why getting your customers ready is very important when it comes to exportation business. Remember getting customers is one of the 5 Golden rules.

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3 Simple Steps to Exportation From Nigeria – Part 4


This tutorial is a do it yourself guide. Secondly, I want to make sure that everyone of us is safe and has the right information.

I know that most of the information out there are fake. I am not saying there are no right information but the truth is that; those who have right info don’t want to share it. This is because they enjoy monopolising the information.

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5 Golden Rules of Exportation – Part 3

5-Golden-Rules-exportationIf you have been following me on this blog you will know that I like stating Golden rules. You will remember I told you about the Golden rules of importation in our eCommerce series Click here if you miss our eCommerce series.

I am sorry, I might not be able to continue until I give you theĀ golden rules. These rules are very important because they are going to help you minimize your risks if not totally eradicate them. These rule were very useful in our eCommerce series and am sure they will also help our exportation business.

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What to Export From Nigeria – Part 2

what to exportI want to thank you for your contribution on this thread and on our blog.

I want to tell you again that exportation is not actually the way people are painting it.

Although, exportation can be simple and can be very difficult depending on the scale you are looking at. However, I will make sure I expose the real secrets about exportation.

Anyway, I shall be talking about what kind of products you can import and the products you should stay away from.

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